Embracing Resilience in Life’s Toughest Moments

Yosmarlys Espinoza
2 min readNov 10, 2023


Photo by Debabrata Hazra on Unsplash

Why is THIS happening to me? Why me, why now? These questions come to us repeatedly every time we find ourselves in a situation that we feel is beyond us at that moment.

THIS can be a layoff, an illness, the death of a loved one, or the situation in your country that forces you to leave everything and everyone. It can be anything that tears us down or makes us feel powerless; that reminds us how finite we are and how little control we have.

We ruminate over and over again on those questions, but you know what? Sh*t happens.

Adversity, misfortune, or uncertainty can knock at the door at any minute; no one is exempt from living a moment of adversity; the difference is in how we live that moment and what comes after. We fall, we get up, or we adapt. That ability to get up or adapt is what makes us Resilient.

Resilience is an ability to adapt and overcome adversity, facing challenges with strength and determination. It does not mean avoiding pain or sadness but facing and working through it. Even in the darkest moments, there are opportunities for growth and reflection.

Adversities can work as a catalyst for developing inner strength, allowing people to discover a more robust and capable version of themselves. In these difficult times, many find purpose and clear direction.

In the end, the essence of resilience lies not in avoiding life’s storms but in learning to dance in the rain. It’s about transforming the ‘Why is THIS happening to me?’ into ‘What can I learn from this?’. No matter how daunting, every challenge carries with it the seeds of growth and renewal. As we navigate through the unpredictability of life, embracing our resilience empowers us to emerge stronger, wiser, and more grounded. It teaches us to cherish the fleeting moments of joy and find solace in the strength we never knew we had. So, when adversity knocks, remember, it’s not just about getting back up; it’s about growing roots so deep that no storm can ever shake us again. Let’s not just survive the trials of life; let’s thrive in them, for it is in our most brutal battles that we often find our most authentic selves.



Yosmarlys Espinoza

Curious human being | Full of flaws, full of dreams | Choosing life as it is